I am really proud of this pedal. As I actually got to verify it. I had asked onn the PedalPCB forum if there was an ETA on this coming out as it had been in the coming soon section for over a year. Mr. PedalPCB said it wasn’t working quite right. So I bought an original and told him that if he send me a board I would try to verify it.


He was gracious enough to send me a board and I went to work populating it. The pedal worked but it was a fuzz pedal and not a compressor. It did the compressing but it was always distorted.

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Through conversation Mr. PedalPCB asked me to do a few modifications to the board. It was the first time I had had to cut traces. Scary scratching up a board that you have fully populated. With the modifications in place….. still a fuzz pedal.

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The next weekend I was feeling encouraged and Mr. PedalPCB sent me the schematic for the pedal. As I was looking at the area where he told me the problem was I spoted a trace that should not have been there.

I removed components so that I could reach the trace, cut it, and made sure all my jumpers and added components matched the schematic. Lo and behold it worked. I had actually fixed it. I let Mr. PedalPCB know about what I had found and he said he has ordered corredted boards. Hopefully this won’t be coming soon for too much longer. I know I am looking forward to getting a corrected PCB.

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This is not the final art for this. I just need to learn how to paint a cow and which labels go where.

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Finally figured out the cow and labels. Isn’t she cute.

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  • Level
  • Compress
  • Hi Exp
  • Attack
