That beetle. The full article will have all the info that went into building that beetle. I think it took me about a month to get it to where I was satisfied. As with the other egyptian themed pedal, I used phoenician letters for the labels and Egyptian art. I have a few more on the way. All on Tayda copper hammer enclosures.
Epoxy Experimentation
Playing around with coloring epoxy
Figured I pour and draw on the epoxy at first.
New Concept
Got a bright idea while working on another pedal. Made from the lead clippings.
Check against the concept.
Welp…. lets paint it. First in black then the gold over it.
Initial Colors
Shading and a little detail
Creating Frame
Decided to cut and shape the pour into insets with bailing wire.
Really hard to solder. Was considering doing the legs as well.
Completed frame. I had to wire it to a vero board to keep it together for soldering.
Test fitting the pieces
Awe heck lets just put it together and see.
Changed the light to a copper shield. I liked the way it fit and looked better.
Epoxied the beetle when finishing some other pedals. I like the way the colors come out.
Completed with everything epoxied down.
- Level
- Tone
- Fuzz
- Fat
- Bias
Sounds good. One of my favorite fuzzes so far.
Egypt pedals off
Egypt pedals on