Another dumble in a box. And it was seriously gooped. I enjoyed following the PedalPCB thread about the excavation. Really interesting to see. This was built as soon as I got it…. not so much because I wanted to try the circuit but that I have been super manic lately and had all the parts. It went together super fast. I played it for a minute and put it away.

The weekend before I had painted a few enclosures to work out some of my mental frustrations (painting and creating is better than destruction though sometimes not as satisfying). I had painted this enclosure because there was a ton of darkness that kept creeping into my thoughts and I just wanted it to stop. When I got the Samadhi finished I saw that the names were associated with Buddhism and meditation. That reminded me of the enclosure. So in it went. I like it. Couldn’t decide on knob colors so went with all of them. Obla di obla dum life goes on aaaa.


Sometimes I wish I was able to meditate to the point where I had no thoughts.


  • Gain
  • Level
  • A.M.C.: Controls texture of the driven tone (From the video)
  • Tone
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